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MOMENT Case PDF Print E-mail
Written by Artur Boronat   
Monday, 11 June 2007

MOMENT Case is a modeling framework that provides support for the UML2 metamodel and a relational metamodel. This prototype provides the following features:

  • UML2 modeling facilities, reused from the UML2 Tools Project.
  • Graphical support for defining relational schemas of a given relational metamodel. An screenshot of this graphical editor is provided in Fig. 1.
  • Automated generation of a relational schema from a UML class diagram. MOMENT Case provides facilities to add persistence information to a UML class diagram, indicating what elements in a class diagram will be persisted in a relational schema by means of the transformation process. This automated generation process is based on a model transformation that uses the MOMENT-QVT engine.
  • Support for traceability, indicating what objects of the resulting relational schema have been generated from the objects of the source class diagram.
  • Documentation generation from the different model definitions that may be defined in the tool: UML class diagrams, relational schemas, and traceability model definitions.
  • Generation of a script in standard SQL to create the relational schema that corresponds to a model definition of the relational metamodel.


RDBMS editor


Fig. 1. Graphical editor of the relational metamodel.


This tool has been developed in a collaboration with CapGemini S.L. Unipersonal España. 

Last Updated ( Sunday, 21 April 2024 )